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{{ lot.auction.lot_count }} Lots View All
{{ WMService.auctionEndDate(lot.auction) | moment : 'MMM. DD, gggg' }} {{ AMDate.time(WMService.auctionEndDate(lot.auction), false, ['ET','EST']) }}
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Lot {{lot.lot_number}}{{lot.lot_number_extension}}
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MLS # {{lot.mls_number}}
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{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
Opening Bid
{{lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
Your Max Bid
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}
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{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
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{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
Opening Bid:
{{lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Current Bid" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Winning" | translate }}
(-{{ lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }} from your Deposit Balance)
{{ ::"Bidding" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ :: "Max:" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }}
{{ ::"You Bid" | translate }} {{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }} x {{ lot.quantity }} = {{ LotService.calculateTotalBidCost(lot, LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid) | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Current" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Lost" | translate }}
{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Max:" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}
{{ ::"Won" | translate }}
{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
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Delete Bid?
Initial Deposit
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
Opening Bid
{{lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
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{{lot.sold_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
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Listing Price
{{lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
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{{lot.sold_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'D' }}
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'MMM' }}
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'dddd' }} | {{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'MMMM' }} {{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'DD' }}, {{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'YYYY' }}
{{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'dddd' }} | {{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'MMMM' }} {{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'DD' }}, {{ WMService.auctionStartDate(lot.auction) | moment:'YYYY' }}
Deposit {{ lot.deposit_amount | price }} Auction Postponed {{lot.lawyer_code}} {{lot.lawyer_code}} Sold For: {{ lot.sold_price | price }}
{{ AddressService.toFriendlyString(lot.address) }}
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Location: {{lot.auction.location_description}}

{{ "No foreclosures found for the selected filters." | translate }}
{{ "Please try changing your filters." | translate }}
{{FilterService.queryInfo.total_num_results}} auction{{FilterService.queryInfo.total_num_results != '1' ? 's' : ''}} {{FilterService.queryInfo.total_num_results}} result{{FilterService.queryInfo.total_num_results != '1' ? 's' : ''}} for “{{FilterService.filters.current.search}}”
/ {{ FilterService.numPages() }}
For information on MD properties call 410-828-4838 and for DC properties 202-364-0306. Please click here for a buyers FAQ on Maryland foreclosures.
Please click here for a buyers FAQ for DC foreclosures.

As a service to our clients, we are including a 2 or 3 letter attorney code at the end of most listings. This covers a majority but not all of our sales. They are as follows:

Attorney Code Attorney Phone Number
ALG Alliant Legal Group, LLC 410-356-1255
BU Buonassissi, Henning & Lash, P.C. 703-796-1341
BWW BWW Law Group 301-961-6555
DIH Diamond Iotina 443-825-4111
HB Hofmeister Robinson & Dipietro 410-832-8822
HP Piel Law Firm 410-849-4888 x 101
MWC McCabe, Weisberg & Conway 301-490-3361
RA Rosenberg & Associates 301-907-8000
WT Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP 202-659-6800
CGD Cohn, Goldberg, & Deutsch 410-296-2550
FV Friedman & Vartolo 212-471-5100
  1. The google maps link is for information purposes only and for the convenience of our website visitors. The accuracy of this link cannot be guaranteed. You need to do your own independent research in regards to the property location.

  2. This foreclosure auction list is updated live from our auction database. As cancellations take place, they are noted in "real time" on the above list by having the auction crossed out. This auction list is provided as a convenience for our customers. Although we strive for 100% accuracy, we are human and may be subject to random oversights. We cannot guarantee its accuracy and do not suggest you rely solely on this list for determining what sales are still scheduled or cancelled.
